When the Sun moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, we feel the energy shift from an emphasis on work and progress to humanity and community.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and it rules the eleventh house in astrology. The eleventh house is all about our groups and networks and how we share ourselves with others. Because Aquarius is an air sign, it shares itself most naturally through ideas and mental concepts. It’s always thinking about the future, how we can make things better, and how we can be more efficient. It's no surprise then, that the eleventh house also rules technology and the internet.
In Its Shadow Side
Aquarius can be so wrapped up in the realm of its mind that it can appear cold and aloof. It easily detaches from its emotions, and this makes it hard to connect with others on an emotional level. Although Aquarius is one of the most genuine friends you'll ever meet, valuing authentic expression and individuation above all else, they may take a while to open up emotionally. Impatience and stubbornness are their downfalls. They can't understand why people don't see things from their perspective, so they're learning to go with the flow and allow others to change at their own pace.
What Aquarius Values
Aquarius respects independent people and values having a sense of freedom in their relationships. If you have an Aquarius in your life, you want to honor their need for personal space and freedom of expression. Do not put their ideas down when they share something that seems "out there." Aquarius is, after all, ruled by Uranus - the planet that's most known for its eccentric qualities and unusual orbit. So, just as Uranus displays characteristics that are unlike other planets, Aquarius beats to its own drum too.
This fixed air sign has been referred to as one that's most ahead of its time. People with the Sun in Aquarius make excellent psychics, scientists, astrologers, journalists, engineers, and computer experts. They are effective with groups because they can promote open, harmonious cooperation while being highly objective. They have creative minds and always want to be learning something new. To feel fulfilled at work, Aquarians must do something that accomplishes their goal of bringing innovative ideas to the public.
Aquarius Symbolism
Aquarius is symbolized by a water bearer pouring intellectual nourishment down onto mankind. This sign has an important role in sharing, promoting, and spreading ideas that will advance humanity. Aquarius can be a brilliant genius or a defiant rebel, so it needs to learn how to funnel its creative energies into a worthy cause and something that will benefit the community.
Aquarians are extremely friendly, and they value their friendships very much. But when you notice your Aquarius friend getting irritated, the best thing you can do is give them space. They need space and time alone to recharge their batteries - more than most. This is a sign that's very good at taking individual action, so, although you may find them immersed in groups, they still need time for personal solitude.
In Conclusion
It's important to remember that while Aquarius is very much a humanitarian sign, part of how it inspires humanity is through encouraging individuation. Aquarians are not meant to conform and please everyone around them. If their objective was to be a peacemaker, they would have been a Libra. Most revolutionary thinkers of our time have not "kept the peace" in their attempts to change society, and with Aquarius, there is no exception.
If you have any planets in Aquarius, you may want to examine how you express these archetypal energies in a more independent, free-spirited way. You'll also want to take a look at what area of life (house) is ruled by Aquarius in your chart to see where the independent, progressive thinker comes out most in you.
Learning about the nature of Aquarius helps you understand why you react more strongly to things or have stronger opinions about certain matters and feel the need to stand your ground. It also shows us where you need more independence and may not be as emotionally sensitive. These are all excellent things to become aware of because they will help you have more compassion for yourself (and lower the guilt) as you recognize your behaviors are being initiated by a part of you that's simply seeking more freedom to act the way you actually feel!
