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Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

This blog was written for everyone because we all have Scorpio energy in us somewhere. Maybe it’s your rising sign, or perhaps you have a couple of planets in Scorpio (or the 8th house). In any case, it’s important to understand the meaning of Scorpio so you know how to navigate the emotional waters of your life.

Having prominent Scorpio energy can make you a deep thinker and an even deeper feeler. You may at times feel things so intensely that you mask your emotions for fear of rejection. You’ve likely been told in the past that your ideas were too strange, taboo, or "uncomfortably honest" and this has caused you to clamp up. But instead of fearing what others think, it’s actually your mission to share your perspectives because you see the world so vividly and can provide great psychological insight.

Scorpios sense the underlying agendas of others very well.

And it is for this very reason that Scorpios have been conditioned to “keep their mouths shut.” Perhaps they were scolded for saying something that embarrassed their parents or peers, and this incident imprinted the idea that it was not safe for them to share what they felt, saw, or experienced. This is one reason why Scorpios benefit from psychotherapy; they need to be told it is okay to feel the way they do and express themselves honestly. Though some will not agree or approve of their opinions, that does not matter. Scorpios’ job is to say it like it is.

While I am not suggesting Scorpios never have a filter or that they run their mouths when it may be hurtful to others, I am implying that there is a reason Scorpios make some of the best psychotherapists. They see through to the depths of others, and potentially to the depths of themselves. They are not shy or blind to what’s really going on; they sense manipulative games from a mile away, and they make excellent human lie detectors – which is why so many of them excel in careers as private investigators and detectives.

Speaking up Matters

If you are a Scorpio, you may experience a strong desire to be “intellectually sure of yourself” before you speak up or to know what’s right before you add your two cents into a conversation. But, in truth you don’t always have to be “right” you just have to be honest. What’s most important is that you muster up the courage to be vulnerable and speak up – even if others cannot relate to your ideas. It’s better to let yourself be seen and known by others so they understand where you are coming from and what your intentions are. Not surprisingly, it is this vulnerability that allows others to feel safe to share their thoughts too.

Why Scorpios Are Secretive

I think one of the reasons Scorpios get the reputation for being secretive, is simply because they remain so quiet! No one knows exactly what they’re thinking until they are asked, or they’re upset. And no one wants to see a Scorpio upset! So, when dealing with the most secretive sign of the zodiac, it is wise to ask them questions first. Don’t expect them to open up without being prompted. Scorpios fear being wrong and being rejected, so they have a harder time stating what’s on their mind.

Scorpios need to practice sharing their feelings because they have no idea how helpful they may be in validating someone else’s true feelings.

Strategies for Scorpio

One strategy to get you comfortable revealing your true feelings is to write things down ahead of time. This simple practice allows you to get a glimpse into your psyche before you open up to others. It brings great clarity to your conscious mind about how you really feel inside. Then, when it comes time for you to speak up, you will feel more confident and self-assured.

Another tip is to be sure to spend enough time alone in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. You’ll need this time to sort out your feelings and build up the strength to voice your truth. Know that a good piece of advice for you is to stay in the present moment and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Taurus, the opposite sign of Scorpio, has a lot to teach Scorpio about this. Taurus signs know how to live in the present, get out of their heads, and enjoy the five senses of the physical body - which gives them a much-needed reprieve from mental overstimulation and unnecessary psycho-analyzations.

When we learn to focus on what’s important in the here and now, we alleviate anxiety and worry about future outcomes that may never occur anyway.

Self-Made Affirmations

Journaling is an excellent technique for Scorpios to refocus their attention on positive aspects. Writing down our thoughts reminds us of the actions that worked in the past to reduce our feelings of anxiety and depression. We are usually more inclined to take our own advice in times of distress than we are anyone else’s. So, using self-made affirmations can be especially helpful (since they are most specific to us and our issues). Additionally, self-made affirmations bring us a sense of pride and self-satisfaction as we recite them, and they are always there to look back upon when we are having a bad day.

When we forget how to find the silver lining in life, our own positive, uplifting affirmations can bring us back to the core truths about ourselves. One example is rephrasing the following sentence: “I am afraid I don’t know enough and will be viewed as unintelligent” to “I am confident in my abilities and my level of knowledge. People trust me for wise advice.”

Self-transformation is something Scorpio does best. What does not come as naturally is the recognition of Scorpio's own power to transform.

Scorpio has the potential to rise up like a Phoenix from the ashes, but it first must recognize its worthiness to do so. Scorpios need to catch themselves in their negative thinking before their thoughts spiral out of control in a downward direction. Their emotions can quickly escalate, taking over their sense of well-being if they do not use their minds to re-phrase incoming thoughts into self-supportive affirmations.

The Moon in Its Fall

Astrologers often say the Moon is "in its fall" in Scorpio. After much research and personal experience documenting my emotional reactions to the Moon in Scorpio, I see great truth to this statement. First, because the Moon in astrology represents our instincts, intuition, and emotions. When unencumbered, the Moon acts spontaneously through us without thought, logic, or reason. It simply follows its impulses and urges without judgment on any of its choices.

But, when the Moon is in Scorpio, a scene emerges where we find ourselves fixated on our emotional states, feeling one way and “thinking” another. We become over-analytical as we try hard to justify and understand why we feel the way we do. This is not inherently bad or wrong, it just conflicts with the Moon’s natural energy.

The Moon wants us to feel and experience our emotions – not rationalize them. The Moon tells us to “ease up on the overthinking” and allow ourselves to process our emotions in a healthy way. Scorpios have the tendency to want to understand and investigate their emotions – to hold onto them and get to the heart of the matter – but the Moon cares not about understanding why, it simply wants our feelings to be felt.

It must be said, however, that it is completely natural for a person with a Scorpio Moon (or strong Scorpio energy anywhere in their chart) to need to do some deep self-analysis from time to time. This is because it is their nature to want to get to the bottom of everything; to see and understand every layer – no matter how ugly or beautiful. Therefore, while having your Moon in Scorpio is nothing to fear, it should bring awareness to the extra layer of importance for you to not allow your feelings to hijack your brain. A good saying for you would be: "My feelings are meant to be felt and then released."

Scorpios are not afraid of their own truth, in fact, they are here to discover it.

This statement is why Scorpios make great counselors, therapists, and social workers; they have a passion and a gift for helping others discover their own truths. That said, they first have to be in touch with how they actually feel. Scorpio’s deepest work is their inner work. Part of the reason for this drive toward self-investigation, transformation, and ultimately self-regeneration is due to the planetary rulers of Scorpio: Mars and Pluto. Mars wants action and Pluto wants deep investigation. Mars takes an aggressive, direct approach to accomplishing its goals and Pluto is the planet that rips the band-aid off so we don’t forget we still have wounds. Together, Mars and Pluto are the ultimate duo for honest self-reflection and conscious regeneration.

The Serious Nature of Scorpio

We often hear Scorpios described as serious, intense, secretive, and highly sensitive beings. This is due to their heightened ability to sense the emotions of others. They feel things more deeply than other people and can quickly become overburdened by the emotions building up in themselves – especially if they have been repressed for too long. This sign, perhaps above all the rest, needs a healthy outlet to express their feelings; be it through artistic expression, writing, exercise, or any other form of physical or mental release, emotions need to come out and be felt. This is also why Scorpios show up as the passionate volunteers, humanitarians, and philanthropists who give back to people and animals in need. They feel a strong urge to stand up for justice and to support the less fortunate.

If you are a Scorpio or you have loved ones who you are trying to understand, recognize this: Scorpios need regular time alone to sort out their emotions and understand how they feel and why. Emotions are an extremely important topic to them – not to be ignored or repressed. If there is neglect to this realm of their lives, they are subject to unnecessary self-doubt, depression, anger, anxiety, repressed feelings, and misunderstandings from others. So, do not tell a Scorpio to just “get over it” or “be happy.” All they will think of you is that you are naive and insensitive.

Summarization of Scorpio

Overall, Scorpios make excellent friends who are loyal and honest. They see people clearly and can help make constructive suggestions to those who desire self-improvement. When Scorpios feel free to be themselves, they can share intangible insights and become a catalyst for great psychological growth in others.

The best advice for a Scorpio is to do your inner work. Recognize your sensitivity as a gift. Become friends with all parts of yourself, even your shadow self. Find constructive ways to balance your emotions and use creative outlets to channel your incredible imagination. Once you realize that how you feel inside is valid, you will have an easier time trusting and loving yourself.

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