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Should I Follow Collective Transits?

Writer's picture: Jennifer ClairJennifer Clair

By definition, collective transits are the movements of planets in the sky that affect us all globally.  A transit is simply a planet in motion that makes “aspects” or angles to other planets in space.  These alignments hold significance to us on Earth because they reflect our level of consciousness.  


From a historical perspective, we can learn a lot about cultural events that have occurred while major collective transits were at play.  Thus, there are certainly reasons to study these planetary interactions and learn about their effects on us in general, but they will not be able to state exactly what’s happening with you personally


My concern as an astrologer is: How are these collective transits affecting YOU?  And to answer that question we need to know what’s happening in your natal chart.  Once we see how and where the transiting planets are affecting you, then we have solid evidence to follow. 


So, when asked if one should follow collective transits, my response is only if you know how to interpret them against your birth chart.  Second, I would add, even then, you don’t need to be fretting over every planetary movement and astrological configuration each day.  That wouldn’t leave much time for living.  Nor for practicing what you’ve already learned from studying your personal transit chart.  To read more about transit charts click here.


A good piece of advice when practicing astrology is to pay attention to the overall theme for the upcoming month and the upcoming year.  In this way, you can use astrology as a guide.  The planets can provide you with guidance about your life, but they're not something you need to be obsessing about all day long.  What we really need is an anchor to ground us and help us come back to our center.  And that center has nothing to do with anything outside of ourselves. 


Astrology works like a reflective pool.  It shines back to us what we need to see in ourselves in any given moment on any given day.  So, for those curious-minded, insightful wisdom seekers, astrology offers vast amounts of knowledge into the deepest crevices of the human soul.  Therefore, it's certainly a worthwhile study!  But, best absorbed in bite-size pieces. 


If we become overly concerned with what’s happening “out there” we forget about what’s happening within us, and that’s really what matters most.  It’s very tempting to use outside stimuli as an excuse not to do our inner work – the work that's been painted on the walls for years – and illustrated clearly in our natal charts. 

If all we can ever control in this life is ourselves, why not start there?  


What I will say about studying collective transits is that they hold the most value when you know how to read them against your natal chart. Used in this way, collective transits can be helpful by showing you exactly what’s being highlighted in your life and where you are being asked to grow and evolve.  But for those of you who are not familiar with how to read your natal chart, you’ll first need to grasp the basics of astrology before you can understand how to make sense of anything in a transit chart.  My online course, Foundations of Astrology, is a great a place to start to master the chart fundamentals.




To gain clarity on the appropriate action steps to take during specific collective transits, you’ll first need a sound understanding of your natal chart, as well as the meaning of each planet – as an archetype – so you know what messages are coming through for you.  If you are not sure, or you’re uninterested in undertaking this task, I recommend a personalized transit chart consultation which provides individualized guidance on your entire year ahead.


Looking at collective transits on their own may tell you why things are happening in politics, weather, or on the news, but they won’t tell you how YOU can make the most of this time… and YOU can ALWAYS make the most of this time.


I encourage you to start thinking about how you can become more proactive in your life; less dependent on outside stimuli to determine your mood, your decisions, and your attitude, and more empowered through your own well-thought-out opinions. 


Nothing breeds self-confidence like self-reliance and developing faith in yourself.  Using astrology can help you become your own best guide and encourage you to trust your intuition more.


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