Throughout history, the second house has been associated with material resources and how we earn money through our own means. But before money was used to establish wealth and well-being, it was simply about the feeling of being secure. Security and insecurity are the real factors we are dealing with here.
The second house is considered the “money house” because we all need money to survive. Money is considered our greatest source of security. If we have money we feel secure, if we don’t, we feel insecure. But what precedes the external act of having money? Having internal security – feeling secure within.
This is a crucial house in determining one's self-worth and self-esteem. It shows us how we act to take care of ourselves and what material resources we choose to provide for ourselves. The sign on the cusp tells us about the way we go about getting the things we need. This can explain why some people are lazy and others are ambitious, or why one person is extremely focused and another is wishy-washy.
Planets in the Second House
When planets are placed in the second house this adds a new dimension. Now there is a specific energy required for the individual’s growth. Planets represent lessons we have to learn and areas we need to direct our attention. When any planet is placed in the second house, its message is about finding security. There is something that needs to be learned or skills that need to be developed in order to receive the level of security our soul seeks. The answer to achieving the skills and mastering the lesson is found within the planet's nature positioned here.
Let’s discuss one example of having the planet Saturn in the second house. Saturn is viewed as a “hard” planet in astrology because it teaches us discipline, self-restraint, and how to go without. It wants us to work hard for what we achieve. Having Saturn in the second house implies that an individual needs to work longer and harder to establish wealth. They may not see the fruits of their labor until they are older in age, but this does not mean they should give up trying just because material things do not come easily. Rather, they should keep working steadily and trust their efforts will be rewarded over time. Saturn values persistence. The motto is: “Slow and steady wins the race” if you have Saturn in the second house.
Other planets, like Jupiter, may bring wonderful financial blessings for which the individual does not have to work as hard to receive. This is why understanding each planet’s nature is essential to knowing what outcomes are to be expected.
Taurus and Venus as the Natural Rulers
Whenever you hear “natural rulers” in astrology, know that this refers to what sign and what planet rule a particular house. Because Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac it rules the second house. Because Venus is the ruler of Taurus it is the planet associated with the second house. But what does it mean to have Taurus and Venus rule the second house and why is this important? Let’s start with Taurus.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac which means it is the constellation that follows after Aries along the ecliptic. We are in this sign each year from April 20th - May 20th which is during the middle of spring. Taurus is a fixed Earth sign which gives us clues as to the nature of the second house. The fixed part implies stability, persistence, and sustained effort over time. The Earth element teaches us about the importance of building and establishing something tangible.
Think of the second house as the area of life where you build something sustainable for your future.
Imagine a builder, a gardener, or a farmer. These are all good analogies for Taurus because they represent people cultivating a strong foundation from which to grow. We need to approach this house with a “can do” attitude as it is a practical, hands-on house that requires our own effort to make things happen. Let's pretend you have Scorpio on your second house cusp. You are probably very thorough in your work and value getting to the truth of the matter. Virgo? You value wise discernment and good judgment. Taurus? Getting down to business and providing a job well done. The sign on the cusp will flavor the way you create abundance for yourself.
Where Venus comes into play relates to our values. The second house shows us what we value by what we put our energy into. Venus represents that which we are willing to work hard for. A person with Cancer ruling the second house will likely cherish items of sentimental value because she is more emotionally driven. A Sagittarius would not hesitate to put his money toward a vacation overseas because he values experience.
The second house also shows how we handle our possessions. Are you possessive or generous? Are you frugal or extravagant? Some people take more pride in ownership and fancy titles than others do. Some people are willing to work harder for nice things while others are perfectly content with very little. The sign on the cusp tells us a lot about your attitude and your drive toward achieving the things you want.
Questions to Ask Yourself
When examining your second house, ask yourself: What is my relationship to money? Do I feel secure or insecure? Am I resisting money that could be mine due to limited unconscious beliefs? Am I judging people around me unfairly for having more? In order to attract more abundance into our lives we have to be conscious of the attitudes we are projecting about money.
The second house is where you get to prove yourself to yourself. It's an empowering house because ultimately, you get to decide what kind of lifestyle you want and how you will create it. The first step in achieving anything is to make sure you feel worthy to receive. Then you can use your chart as a guide to learn the easiest, most natural way to draw in your resources.
Key Points to Remember
The sign on the cusp tells you how you go about getting your needs met and what types of things you value. The planets tell you what you have to overcome, learn, and develop for greater financial success. Sometimes, it's more about psychological shifts in our behavior than it is about outward changes to our circumstances. We must learn to establish the right mindset and the correct energy to draw in whatever material possessions we are seeking. Ultimately, anyone with planets in the second house is here to learn about self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
