The zodiac sign Capricorn is often depicted by a mountain goat climbing to the top of a peak. This is because Capricorns are dedicated workers who recognize that overcoming challenges is worth it to achieve their goals. Capricorns need to feel useful, productive, and accomplished. They value the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and not necessarily because there is gold there, but because there is a feeling of self-made success.
Capricorns like knowing they can attain things on their own. Being self-reliant is a virtue for them. This is why, when their ability to work goes away, they can get very depressed. Productivity equals happiness for a Capricorn. They are always focused on the job at hand and the next task to check off the list. This can get in the way of them having strong interpersonal skills, however, because it’s hard to consider others’ perspectives when you’re always single-mindedly focusing on your goals. Herein lies the shadow side of Capricorn.
Duty Bound
Capricorns can be so immersed in their duties that they forget about the people around them. This is not intentional, however. It's as if they have blinders on which prevent them from seeing other people’s needs. The good news is, the older Capricorns get, the more sensitive they become. They learn through life experiences how to express their emotions.
It’s not that Capricorns don’t have feelings, or the capacity to love, it’s that they weren’t wired to relate, they were wired to work. Someone with a Capricorn Moon, for example, may take much longer to understand his own feelings, let alone be able to relate them to his partner. In this case, the partner needs to have ample patience and understand the reason behind Capricorn’s lack of emotional transparency. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he doesn’t know how to express the way that he feels.
The Ruler of Capricorn
Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn, and it is this planet that makes Capricorn the stoic, hard-working sign that it is. Saturn is considered the great “taskmaster” in astrology, and its job is to ensure we rise to our potential and become all we are capable of being. Saturn is the responsible authority figure in us all. It’s the part of us that keeps working until a job is done, even if it’s well past 7:00 pm and our stomachs are growling. If you have planets in Capricorn, you may find yourself more self-disciplined and hard-working than your friends or co-workers. They may perceive you as “taking your work too seriously,” but this is perfectly natural behavior for a Capricorn.
Morals and Ethics
Capricorns are concerned with morals and ethics; with doing things right. This is why they can be counted upon and have a reputation for being dependable. They are masters of self-control, common sense, and taking full responsibility for their success. The downside, however, is that they don’t always put enough attention on their own self-care. They can easily neglect their physical and emotional needs for more significant “work priorities.” Water signs can come in handy here to balance Capricorn’s energy, teaching them how to recognize their emotions and honor their feelings.
Capricorns gravitate towards goal-oriented people. Because they take life seriously, they appreciate others who do the same. They respect friends who are ambitious, successful, and mature. This is because Capricorns want to associate with people who will make them better and help them to succeed in life. If you are looking for a wise mentor to help you stay on track with your goals, look no further than the 10th sign of the zodiac.
In Summary
Capricorns are here to live their lives purposefully and to accomplish something worthy of their time, energy, and talents. They feel their best when they are productive and applying themselves to a worthy goal. We can all learn something from this cardinal Earth sign now, and hopefully, recognize the areas in our lives where we need to apply greater self-discipline and focus.
Actions You Can Take Now
It’s a good time to review where you have Capricorn in your chart. We all have Capricorn somewhere, and we all have Saturn too. Once you locate this sign and planet, see where you are being asked to grow and apply more effort in your life. Where are you being called to limit certain activities and make room for those more in alignment with your goals? What sacrifices might you have to make? Think about this in terms of opportunity costs. We all have to make choices every day, and in choosing one thing, we always have to say no to something else. That’s life. So, choose wisely and direct your attention to the tasks that are most worthy of your goals.
