Here are three quick reminders to keep in mind as we enter Sagittarius season today.
Sagittarians need excitement and newness
They embrace change
They need freedom to explore their beliefs both philosophically and physically through travel
Sagittarius Needs Excitement and Newness
No other sign craves adventure and new experiences like Sagittarius. As the third fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is familiar with strong passions and usually acts on them without much hesitation. If an opportunity arises that sounds interesting, they don't need to give it a second thought. They are optimistic risk-takers, philosophical seekers, and spiritual adventurists. Ruled but Jupiter, Sagittarius is one of the most upbeat signs. It lends itself to positive thinking and usually attracts to itself positive outcomes. The optimism of this sign is what gives it the courage to step out into the unknown, become influential leaders, and even, when necessary, leave an old life behind.
The one thing to guard against with this zealous zodiac sign, however, is indulging to the point of excess. Jupiter likes to “expand wherever it lands” so we have to be careful not to let our passions expand our waistlines, or… create unhealthy addictions. Or influence others who do not want to be influenced. Sagittarians are willing to take personal risks to expand their horizons and form new beliefs, and while this attitude is admirable, there is one word that will guide them in all their endeavors: discernment. Discernment will help them think before they act, which may protect them from making decisions that could harm them (or their loved ones) in the long run.
Sagittarius Embraces Change
Sagittarians embrace change easier than other signs because of where they fall within the seasons. Sagittarius arrives at the end of autumn and leads us into winter. It begins on November 21st and ends on December 21st – the Winter Solstice. This is why astrologers call Sagittarius a “mutable” sign. This mutable characteristic means they can easily move from one thing to the next. Compared to the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), they are much more flexible, easy-going, and tolerant of change.
Sagittarius Needs Freedom to Explore Its Beliefs Both Philosophically and Physically Through Travel
This third point is based on where Sagittarius lands in the 12 astrological houses. Sagittarius is the 9th sign in the zodiac and it rules the 9th house – the house of travel, higher education, philosophy, and broadening one’s intellectual understanding of the world. For this reason, Sagitarrians are naturally curious, drawn towards opportunities for personal growth, and always up to trying new things.
If you are a Sagittarius, or you know a Sagittarius, keep in mind that they are a fire sign, so they will exhibit more passion than the average person! This makes them charismatic public speakers, open-minded friends, and people who seem to have endless energy no matter their age.
*Important side note: You may know some Sagittarius people who don’t fit this bill. Perhaps they’re not so “go-with-the-flow” or easy to embrace change. In this case, I would encourage you to dig a little deeper and see what their Moon and rising signs are. For example, a Scorpio Moon or Cancer rising may be shading the Sun’s natural personality. What I mean by this is, the Moon sign and rising sign are just as important as the Sun sign in understanding a person’s total makeup. The Moon is how a person reacts emotionally and the rising sign is the “first impression” a person gives to others. Thus, we must always remember to look at the chart holistically whenever we do astrological analysis on anyone.
Aligning to Sagittarius Energy in Your Life
If you wish to align with the energies of Sagittarius this year, see where you have Sagittarius in your own chart. This is the area of life where you are being encouraged to “shine a little brighter,” take risks, and satisfy your hunger for new experiences. Is your Sagittarius in the 9th house? Maybe you’re feeling called to study abroad, take that overseas vacation, or publish a book. Is Sagittarius in your 3rd house? Maybe it’s time you enroll in continuing education courses online or at a local community college. Or, maybe it’s time to join that networking group you’ve been thinking about. Each house tells us about specific actions we can take to activate and enhance the optimistic Sagittarian energy that’s alive in the collective now. Do your part by taking steps that are outside of your comfort zone, that expand your philosophical horizons, and that support your personal evolution.